Tikanga, "Maori customary values and practices".
"Nurturing relationships, looking after others and being very careful of how they are treated is taught as a natural way of life.
The bonding of a great loving relationship which is established for life.
Ahi Kaa offers home based child care to the Warkworth from East to West Coast community. Our guiding principle is to ignite the fire of learning within the eyes of a child by fostering great relationships which will stand them in good stead as they make their way through the path of life.
Ahi Kaa is the Maori tradition of "keeping the home fires burning". This statement embodies what Ahi Kaa is striving to do, to ignite and fuel the fire of learning in the eyes of the child.
The first years of a child's life is commonly known as the most critical period in establishing a solid foundation of learning for the child. We in Ahi Kaa, will establish this foundation of learning through our varied cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
We accept the evidence from numerous studies that Home Based childcare produces tamariki who are better adjusted and ready for their next stage in life than those who have been educated in large group environment.
Ahi Kaa recognises there is a creator and we are his creation. We have a whaka whanaungatanga with Him. The Proverb 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and he will not depart from it”.
Ahi Kaa believes that a child that understands how to value and build strong healthy relationships will do very well in life. The concept of whanaungatanga is core to our education system and we believe.
Please call us to arrange a time to have a cuppa with us and find out more about home based childcare, what it can do for your tamariki or find out more about becoming an early childhood educator.